Do you want to learn life coaching? Maybe you want to become a professional life coach. Or maybe you want to add life coaching to your existing skillset or use life coaching to self-coach for better results in your personal life.
This course will provide you will all of the skills you need to work as a life coach. We will explore what coaching is, the difference between coaching, mentoring, consulting and therapy, and how coaching works. We will learn what life coaching looks like and the step-by-step process of working with clients to deliver results.
You will learn:
How people change and how the coach facilities the process
Effective goal-setting that achieves results
Helping people determine purpose, values and needs in their lives
Building rapport and trust through the coaching relationship
Using evidence-based frameworks
Troubleshooting worry, rumination, procrastination and risk aversion
Building perseverance, resilience, assertiveness and self-esteem
Professional issues such as supervision, ethics and mental health
We will draw from a range of evidence-based theory including:
Cognitive behavioural coaching (CBC)
Transactional analysis (TA)
Positive psychology coaching (PPC)
We will learn through video lessons, reading, downloads and quizzes so whatever your learning style there will be something for you. On completing the course, you will earn a certificate in life coaching accredited by the International Association of Therapists and European Educational Standards Body (EESB).