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Exam Review - AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

IT & Software

26 November, 2020

Review for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate in 6 HOURS! Final PREP- AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

$89.00 FREE

Are you preparing for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam?

Do you want to quickly review for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam?

The objective of the course is to help you review for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam in less than 6 HOURS! This will help you be in the best frame of mind for your AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam.


  • 0001 - Course Overview - Exam Review - AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0002 - Cloud, AWS Regions and Availability Zones

  • 0003 - Overview of Compute Services in AWS

  • 0004 - Virtual Servers in AWS - EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud

  • 0005 - EC2 for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0006 - Load Balancers in AWS - ELB

  • 0007 - ELB - Elastic Load Balancing - for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0008 - Simplifying Compute in AWS with Elastic Beanstalk, ECS and ECR

  • 0009 - Serverless in AWS with AWS Lambda

  • 0010 - Object Storage in AWS - Amazon S3

  • 0011 - Object Storage in AWS - Amazon S3 and Glacier - Scenarios

  • 0012 - Authentication and Authorization in AWS - Identity and Access Mgmt (IAM)

  • 0013 - Data Encryption with KMS and CloudHSM

  • 0014 - VPC in-depth for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0015 - Connecting AWS with On-Premises - VPN, Direct Connect and more

  • 0016 - Databases in AWS - An overview

  • 0017 - Relational OLTP Database in AWS - Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora

  • 0018 - RDS for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0019 - DynamoDB for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0020 - Datawarehouse in AWS - Amazon Redshift

  • 0021 - Data Lakes in AWS

  • 0022 - Storage in AWS - EBS, EFS, and Storage Gateway

  • 0023 - Architecting Loosely Coupled Applications with Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS

  • 0024 - Architecting Streaming Applications with Amazon Kinesis

  • 0025 - Routing and Content Delivery in AWS - Route 53 and CloudFront

  • 0026 - DevOps for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0027 - API Management in AWS with API Gateway

  • 0028 - Authenticating API and Users with Amazon Cognito

  • 0029 - More Serverless - Advanced Lambda, AppSync, SWF and Step Functions

  • 0030 - Monitoring and Governance in AWS - CloudTrail, Config, CloudWatch and X-Ray

  • 0031 - CORS, Configuration Management and Caching in AWS

  • 0032 - Moving Data between AWS and On-Premises

  • 0033 - Security in AWS - Shield, WAF, Macie, GuardDuty, and more

  • 0034 - Management Services in AWS - Organizations, Trusted Advisor and more

  • 0035 - Shared Responsibility Model - AWS and Customer

  • 0036 - AWS - Well-Architected Framework

  • 0037 - Register for the certification exam - AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

  • 0038 - My Recommendations for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam

  • 0039 - Congratulations - AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

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