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Protocol oriented programming in Swift (Hindi Tutorial)

Mobile Development

22 August, 2022

Learn about protocol oriented programming in Swift with easy to understand examples

$89.00 FREE

Protocols in Swift play a key important role in your code improvements, but mostly a developer who is new to swift or an experienced developer coming from an Objective C background may ask the following questions

1. What are protocols in Swift programming?

2. Why to use protocols at all and not write a simple function?

3. How can protocol improve my code?

4. How NOT to use protocols in our code?

This video tutorial answers all such questions and provides an in depth knowledge on the many benefits of protocol oriented programming

This free course also covers one advance topic in swift programming related to protocols which is "Delegate Protocols"

I wish you all the best in your learning journey and If you have any questions then please feel free to ask I will be happy to answer them

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