Want to bring your comic book ideas to life?
This course is designed to help you bring your comic book to life! To finally bring your loose ideas into something solid, something you can create, print, and even sell!! Don't let fear of starting take over... tackle it!! Make your comic now!
In this course we will cover almost 14 hours of content including -
What are Comics?
Coming up with concepts and ideas
Character concepts with Clayton Barton
Character sheets with Mike Van Orden
World Building - The Ws
World building - Architecture and themes
Script types
Scripts with Steve Colle
Shot Types
Shot composition
Composition exercises
Types of panels
Panel flow
Dynamic vs Static with Chris Graves
Storyline and Tempo
Story beats
Thumbnailing Basics
Storyboarding thumbs with Jean-Claude De La Ronde
Lettering - Fonts, Dialogues, and Word Bubbles
Lettering - Titles
Lettering - effect
Typography with Todd Cowden
Cover choices
Printing with Barry Gregory
Comic Cons with Dominic Glover *pending
Marketing with Rob Arnold
Teambuilding with Rob Arnold
Feedback on submitted sequential work
As you can see, there's a ton of experience in the instructor pool on this one. I've searched through friends, colleagues, and contacts to make sure I brought you insight into all parts of the process.
So no, this course isn't designed to teach you how to draw, I have other courses for that, it IS designed to help you bring WHATEVER type of comic you're looking to produce to fruition!
So, stop dreaming about maybe "one day" making your comic, NOW is the time! Start now... because the sooner you start, the sooner it'll get done and you can finally rest. hahahaha
Special thanks to:
Clayton Barton (Aus)- Founder of How To Draw Comics
Mike Van Orden (Thailand) - Artist/Instructor
Chris Graves (US)- Artist/Instructor
Jean-Claude De La Ronde (Can)- Storyboard Artist
Barry Gregory (US)- Founder and co-owner at Ka-Blam Digital Printing
Rob Arnold (Aus) - Writer/Creator of REPLICATOR
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