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Business English: the Language of Meetings

Teaching & Academics

12 December, 2022

Business English: Meetings - Gain the Vocabulary and Knowledge to Actively Participate Effectively in Meetings

$89.00 FREE

This Business English: the Language of Meetings course will give you everything you need to successfully take part in Business English meetings.

It doesn't matter whether you're involved in:

  • sales and marketing,

  • project management,

  • staff management,

  • tech and IT,

you will need to attend (or even organise) meetings with colleagues, partners and customers. Participating in meetings is a fundamental business skill. If you can do this effectively and professionally, you will easily gain their respect and trust.

This course looks at the various roles that you find in meetings, as well as their duties and responsibilities.

An extremely important part of this course is the vocabulary that you need to actively participate in meetings. You will learn about idioms, phrasal verbs, alternative ways of saying something, both as synonyms and in formal/informal situations.

As a language learner, you shouldn't overlook the importance of informal/formal language and culture. This is another vitally important business skill and can really make a professional business relationship work better.

For example, if you have a formal relationship with someone, then your tone should, of course, be formal. But if you use informal expressions in this context, it will appear strange for the other person. Possibly even disrespectful.

Similarly, if you use very formal language in an informal situation, you will again confuse the other people. Don't worry though - it's all part of language learning and can be mastered with time and practise.

Please make full use of Udemy's Q&A functionality and ask your questions. I will answer your question, even creating new content if required.

There is also a Facebook group for support in a more 'sheltered' environment if you prefer.

Please enroll in this course on Business English: the Language of Meetings today.

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