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- Course -

DevOps Culture and Mindset

Software Development

22 December, 2020

This course gives you the basic foundational princ...

$89.00 FREE

This course gives you the basic foundational principles of DevOps with a particular focus on culture and the DevOps mindset. We’ll learn about how DevOps is grounded in lean principles, and how it can help improve collaboration between developers and operations team members. We'll learn about ideas regarding systems thinking, feedback loops, continuous improvement, loosely coupled architecture and teams, managing risk, and dealing with unplanned work. We’ll learn about strategies to manage work, monitor it, keep it organized, and maintain a high level of quality by following key DevOps principles. We’ll also discuss various organizational models and structures that are used by companies in their DevOps transformations. You’ll learn about value stream mapping, and ensuring continuous workflow. Ultimately, we'll learn key ideas and tactics that you can employ at your own organizations to improve both time-to-market and increase the value delivered for your customers, no matter your product line or industry.

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