Course Kingdom

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Microsoft Excel Learn From Scratch

Office Tools

3 September, 2022

if you want to learn Microsoft excel for automation

$89.00 FREE

Why it is important?

Microsoft Excel is the most powerful and much used tool all over the world. It is is an aeroplane, while we tend to ride a bicycle. Let us learn some smart features of Excel By enrolling in this course, you will be to Learn simple, easy, and efficient solutions to issues you face in your day to day reports and workings.

Course intention:

If you want to learn excel version 2010, 2013,2016 2019, and Microsoft office 365 so you are in the right place because I have 22 years of teaching experience. we are working with it since 1998.

In this course, we will see that what you have to done or what you do not and why you should do that why this not. At the same time, I will try to give you which version of excel you must use and why.

Moreover, I will ask the time to time questions from students means what is the way you think we use for doing is a task in Excel in this way our course will remain active, and interactive with you.

I will tell you if you are hungry and I will give you fish so it will work for one time food for you but instead of that, I will teach you how to do fishing so that will work for you all your life 

The moral of the story I will also try to create the habit in student mind that how they can learn something new every day for example.

When I will do any kind of task then I will show you where I have found that trick so next time you want to use some new function so you must know you can find a new function in excel from there.

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