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Tropical Parasitology: Protozoans, Worms, Vectors and Human Diseases

Basic Science

8 December, 2020

This course provides students an understanding of ...

$89.00 FREE

This course provides students an understanding of important human parasitic diseases, including their life cycles, vectors of transmission, distribution and epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations, treatment, and prevention and control. Tropical Parasitology is taught by faculty from an area highly impacted by tropical parasites- the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College in Moshi, Tanzania. The faculty include Drs. Frank Mosha and Mramba Nyindo (and two lecturers, Drs. Johnson Matowo and Jovin Kitau). Dr. John Bartlett, Professor of Medicine, Global Health and Nursing at Duke University, joins his faculty colleagues in this effort.

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