Brand new practice tests for the Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Architect certification exam. Four separate timed tests for common practice tests of 50 questions each. As case study questions will come for sure in the exam, there is a separate practice test comprising of around 50 questions related to case studies. 260 questions total and will be adding more questions in future. Each test contains around 50 questions, and you'll be timed and graded on your results. It's a good way to see how ready you are for the real thing!
If you're not sure if you are ready to take the GCP Professional Cloud Architect exam, these practice tests can test your knowledge. If you find something that you don't know, you can study a bit more on that area. If you just want to test your knowledge, try to pass these timed tests.
Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the quizzes as many times as you like.
Google Cloud Platform is still the fastest growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding good qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.
If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.
Sign up today and start practicing!
Who this course is for:
Cloud Engineers
Google Platform Engineers
Google Cloud Engineers
Project Managers
Technical Architects
Delivery Managers
Team Leads, Management
Junior Developers
Senior Developers
IT beginners
Cloud Migration Engineers
Overview of Topics Covered:
Infrastructure - Compute, Storage, Networking
Data and Analytics - NoSQL Databases, Relational Databases, Big Data
Development Services - Application Services, AI Services, Development Tools
Administration - Management, Monitoring, Authorization, Security
Detailed Overview of Topics Covered:
Compute: Functions, App Engine, Cloud Run, Compute Engine, GKE
Storage: Filestore, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent Disk
Network: VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancers, CDN, NAT, Router
Data Services
Document DBs: Datastore/Firestore, Big Table
Relational DBs: Cloud SQL, Spanner
Big Data & Analytics: Big Query, Dataprep, Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc, Datalab, Data Studio, Data Catalog
Development Services
Application Services: Pub/Sub, IoT Core, Composer, Apigee, Endpoints, Healthcare API, MemoryStore, Composer
AI: AI Platform, ML, TensorFlow, Video, Vision, Speech, Translate, Natural Language
Dev Tools: Cloud Source, Cloud Build, Cloud Code, Deployment Manager
Foundations & Administration
Management: Geography, Interfaces, Org Struct, Billing
Monitoring: Stack Driver, Serial Console, Cloud Audit Logs
Auth: IAM, AD Integration
Security: KMS, HMS, CSEK, TPM, Security Scanner, Cloud Armor
Good Luck.