Main Features:
130+ Questions
No repetition of questions
Scenario-based questions
3 Practice tests
Specially designed for SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA 2.0 (E_HANAAW14)
Monthly updates
Covered questions on topics in the certification books HA400, HA300, and HA100.
Note: It highly recommends to read the certification books HA400, HA300, and HA100 before appearing for the actual certification exam.
Sample Questions and answers:
1. Which are the features added to the ABAP Dictionary to support the SAP HANA database? There are 3 correct answers.
De-pooling and de-clustering
Changes in the data class
Definition of an enhancement category
Definition of full-text indexes
Storage type for tables
2. In an ABAP Core Data services (CDS) view, what you must do to expose an association for use in another CDS view?
Specify the other views in which the association can be used
Include all fields used in the ON condition in the projection list
Specify an alias for the target entity
Define the cardinality for the target entity
SAP Certification Exam Facts:
40 questions
90 mins
Passing 65%
Approximately 70% of questions are on topics covered in the certification book HA400 and 30% are from HA100 and HA300.
All question have same weighting ( every question is worth 1 point )
No partial scoring ( you get one point for the entire question or nothing )
Questions from the same topic stay together, the topic sequence is randomized
The source material is course handbook/e-book
Same 40 questions for everyone and every time
Always objective, never opinion-based
No true/false questions
Exam taking strategies:
Use the elimination method, choose what is left.
Keep cycling through questions, don't get stuck on one question.
Preparation strategies
Stick to course-book / e-book, use another resource only to clarify
Look in the course material for keywords ‘always’, ‘must’, ‘never’ etc.
Look for bullet/tables/ lists in course material
Look for ‘>> Notes’ in the course material
Look for special cases/restrictions
Look for SAP recommendations
You will be tested on
Concepts, Functions, Rules, Limits, Prerequisites, Sequence of a task, Best practices
and not on
Screen content, Detailed practical knowledge, Past project experiences
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