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Learn to Build Apps Using Neo4J

Web Development

28 September, 2022

Learn how to organize your data with the popular Neo4j graph database in this Neo4J database tutorial.

$89.00 FREE

Search engines and social media platforms have propelled graph databases into the lime light. While traditional relational databases are still popular among many companies, graph databases are slowly climbing the ranks as a go to database for many complex structures.

Databases play an important role when it comes to storing and fetching large amounts of data. Data is often a huge mess on the internet, which needs to be meticulously sorted into sections and sub-sections to make it easier for analyzing. Data is in raw form is useless for individuals and companies alike, until it is sorted and provides the user with information or it can specifically answer the user’s question.

This is where databases come in handy. Neo4J is a type of graph database, which sorts information in the form of a graph using nodes, relationships and properties. This graph based model is gaining traction because of advantages such as being faster, handling big data more efficiently, easy to scale, and better in terms of performance, flexibility and even agility.

Do you want to learn how to optimize your search queries and make your apps faster with this amazing database? Well, then this course is the perfect course for you!

In this comprehensive Neo4J course, you will learn everything you need to know about graph databases and also how to get started with Neo4J. If you have no experience with graph databases or even Neo4J, no problem. You will learn everything you need to master Neo4J in this course. 

The course will start at the very beginning with what is graph databases, general overview of different databases, the advantages of using graph databases over traditional relational database with tables and rows, what is Neo4J, how to set up the Neo4J environment, understand the Cypher Query Language, take a look at the official and the contributed language drivers that are available and finally put the theory to good use by building a practical application.

The tutorial has been optimally designed and divided into five major sections:

  • Section 1 – Intro to Graph Databases – what they are, their advantages, the graph data model and so on.
  • Section 2 – Getting Started with Neo4J – what it is, install Neo4J on Windows and Linux and start to work with Neo4J browser.
  • Section 3 – Cypher & Neo4J browser – in depth into the browser and the cypher query language, create nodes and relationships and visual representations through the browser
  • Section 4 – More on Cypher and Neo4J – other cyper queries and clauses such as lisp, with statement, conditions, other things to help query the database
  • Section 5 – SocialClient Application – build a NodeJS or JavaScript application that allows us to create nodes and relationships, add properties, etc. 

With Neo4J, the possibilities of database handling are endless. Simplify your life and your apps with this brilliant database. Let’s get started!

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