Welcome to the “Complete course on how to copyright graphic designs”
Nowadays graphic design has become extremely popular both from a creative and business point of view.
With the advent of new modern technology and the internet as a whole, the graphic design field has attracted a lot of attention and interest.
Doing business with graphic designs, apart from the necessary creative skills, requires specific knowledge related to the available copyright protection too.
This course is designed to teach graphic designers how copyright law can help them to control and benefit from their works in order to build a sustainable business model.
Why is copyright so important for graphic designs as a whole?
There are two main reasons.
First of all, copyright is a legal framework that protects every artistic work, including designs, against unauthorized use.
Copyright gives every designer a tool to control the way his/her work is used and to prevent all sorts of infringing activities.
The idea behind copyright is to provide authors with an incentive for the creation of different works such as literature, artistic works (including designs), musical works, etc, allowing them to protect these works and to receive an equitable remuneration.
This is crucial because without such rights it would be near impossible for designers to make their living because everyone would be able to use their designs for free.
The second reason is that copyright gives designers a ground for making business with their works. That is to say, copyright stipulates particular rules that allow business transactions with copyrighted designs.
By the end of this course you will learn:
What copyright rights every designer has;
What are the requirements for copyright protection;
What is the term of protection of graphic designs;
What is fair use of designs;
What are copyright licenses for graphic designs and how to deal with them;
What should every designer bear in mind from legal point of view when creating designs;
How to protect graphic designs on the Internet;
How to enforce copyright rights in case of infringement;