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Learn HTML5 Distance Meter

Web Development

27 August, 2022

Learn HTML5 programming including new syntax, tags, elements & attributes in this HTML distance meter project tutorial.

$89.00 FREE

Since its launch in 2014, HTML5 has risen to become one of the most popular mark-up languages in today is tech world. Created by W3C in collaboration with Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), HTML5 was aimed to simplify web and app development.

The newest version of HTML5 offers many different features including new syntax, tags, elements and attributes and the ability to work on multiple platforms. It also comes with new Plugins and APIs that ease the process of incorporating multimedia and external technologies.

Some new APIs include canvas element, timed media playback, Drag-and-drop, Web Storage, Geolocation and so much more. Learn all of these and many other technologies by enrolling in this tutorial. The course will cover fundamentals of HTML as well as how to use the Geolocation API by building a working Distance Meter.

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