Practice Tests AZ-600 AZ-600: Setting up and running a hybrid cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.
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Measured skills In this practice Tests AZ-600.
DOMAIN 1 - Provide Services (30-35%)
Manage Azure Stack Hub Marketplace
populate Azure Stack Hub Marketplace in a disconnected environment
create a custom Azure Stack Hub Marketplace item
manage lifecycle for Azure Stack Hub Marketplace items
Offer an App Services resource provider
plan an App Services resource provider deployment
deploy an App Services resource provider
update an App Services resource provider
scale roles based on capacity requirements
rotate App Services secrets and certificates
manage worker tiers
back up App Services
Offer an Event Hubs resource provider
plan an Event Hubs resource provider deployment
deploy an Event Hubs resource provider
update an Event Hubs resource provider
rotate Event Hubs secrets and certificates
Offer services
create and manage quotas
create and manage plans
create and manage offers
create and manage user subscriptions
change user subscription owner
Manage usage and billing
set up usage data reporting
view and retrieve usage data by using the Usage API
manage usage and billing in multi-tenant and CSP scenarios
Domain 2 - Implement Data Center Integration (15-20%)
Prepare for Azure Stack Hub deployment
recommend a name resolution strategy
recommend a public and internal IP strategy
recommend a data center firewall integration strategy
recommend an identity provider
validate identity provider integration
configure the Time Server (NTP)
Manage infrastructure certificates for Azure Stack Hub
recommend a certificate strategy
validate the certificates
run secret rotation PowerShell cmdlet for external certificates
Manage Azure Stack Hub registration
recommend a registration model
register in a connected environment
register in a disconnected environment
DOMAIN 3 - Manage Identity and Access (10-15%)
Manage multi-tenancy
configure Azure Stack Hub home directory
register the guest tenant directory with Azure Stack Hub
disable multi-tenancy
update guest tenant directory
Manage access
identify an appropriate method for access (service principal, users, groups)
provision a service principal for Azure Stack Hub
recommend a permission model
configure access in Azure Stack Hub
create a custom role
DOMAIN 4 - Manage Infrastructure (30-35%)
Manage system health
recommend a monitoring strategy
monitor system health by using the REST API
includes resource providers such as Event Hubs
monitor system health by using Syslog Server
manage field replacement or repair
configure automatic diagnostic log collection
collect diagnostic logs on demand by using Powershell
configure Syslog forwarding for Azure Stack Hub infrastructure
Plan and configure business continuity and disaster recovery
recommend a business continuity disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy
recommend a strategy for infrastructure backups
configure storage target for infrastructure backups
configure certificates for infrastructure backups
configure frequency and retention policy for infrastructure backups
Manage capacity
plan for system capacity
manage partitioned GPUs
add nodes
manage storage capacity
add IP pools
Update infrastructure
update Azure Stack Hub
download and import update packages manually
update Azure AD Home Directory
Manage Azure Stack Hub by using privileged endpoints
connect to a privileged endpoint
configure the cloud admin user role
unlock a support session
close the session on the privileged endpoint
stop and start Azure Stack Hub
perform system diagnostics by using Test-AzureStack
*Heads up:
The purpose of these practice tests is to prepare the student to perform better when taking the official exam, but I recommend that students take official training before taking the practice tests since practice tests do not include classes in videos, only questions and answers in the last references of the official exam.