Personal Information is all about who we are as individuals, And Privacy is an absolutely important aspect of our human rights.
Our personal information is involved in almost everything we do online, Therefore, Everyone should understand their personal information (Data), Their right to privacy, and how to protect their data.
This course is complete, quick, and precise fundamental on Data Privacy, Data Protection, and GDPR. Which will help you understand the following:
Data in general
How to protect your data?
How do companies process your personal information and what they can do with your personal information?
What is Data Privacy in the digital world?
All the basics of GDPR including (Key Principles, Lawful Basis, Data Privacy by design approach, Appropriate Technical and organizational measures approach)
Your rights as an individual from a Data Privacy aspect
How do Data Privacy Officers assess projects and processes?
What's OneTrust and how do Data Privacy Officers use it?
Who This Course is For?
Everyone (Whether you're interested in the data privacy field or not, You should obtain knowledge on Data Privacy and Data Protection, As you will become able to determine on your own terms How, When, and to What extent your Personal Information is shared with others, Including Organizations who provide services and products)
Those who want to start their career in the Data Privacy field and GDPR in particular.
Those who work in the Data field (Data Privacy is an important aspect of Data)
This course offers:
Full lifetime Access and is updated regularly.
You can access the course via mobile (IOS/Android)
Certification of Completion
Additional downloadable Resources
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee