AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Practice Exams [Learn & Practice] 2022.
These practice tests have been made after a lot of research and it would definitely help you in clearing the AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions CERTIFICATION in the first attempt. If you combine practice exams with reading and hands-on lab time you greatly increase your chances of passing the exam.
*** Develop an instrumentation strategy ***
Design and implement logging
Design and implement telemetry
Integrate logging and monitoring solutions
*** Develop a security and compliance plan ***
Design an authentication and authorization strategy
Design a sensitive information management strategy
Develop security and compliance
Design governance enforcement mechanisms
***Manage source control ***
Develop a modern source control strategy
Plan and implement branching strategies for the source code
Configure repositories
Integrate source control with tools
***Develop a Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) strategy ***
Develop an actionable alerting strategy
Design a failure prediction strategy
Design and implement a health check
***Facilitate communication and collaboration ***
Communicate deployment and release information with business stakeholders
Generate DevOps process documentation
Automate communication with team members
***Define and implement continuous integration ***
Design build automation
Design a package management strategy
Design an application infrastructure management strategy
Design a process for standardizing builds across organization
***Define and implement a continuous delivery and release management strategy ***
Develop deployment scripts and templates
Implement an orchestration automation solution
Plan the deployment environment strategy
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good luck!!!