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Complete and proven masterclass: Find & Get your dream job

Personal Development

21 June, 2022

A personal development training that enables you to craft your dream job and achieve your career & life goals.

$89.00 FREE

This online training helps you to gain insights into what your dream job is, what your unique profile is, how you can grow from your strengths and how you can realize your dreams!

How does it work?

You will be guided step by step to get the right insights about yourself and your dreams. You will be enabled to work towards your dream job in a targeted manner and prepare yourself perfectly to get your dream job.

In the online training you will get:

  • A personal development plan that covers all the steps and questions I want you to think about.

  • Step by step explanation in the online training with what you will need to do and how you can approach it.

  • Tools you can use to learn more about yourself and to use those insights in order to craft the job you need.

  • Insider tips from recruiter/leadership perspective that will make you the strongest kandidate once you want to apply for a role.

  • Relevant links to articles and more tools that you can use.

At the end of the training you will have more insight into yourself, what your values ​​and strengths are, how you can empower yourself, what you want, what your dream job looks like and how you will achieve it.

What does the program look like?

The training is build up in 4 main chapters:

1. Learn from your current situation

Your current job is the perfect start to describe elements that need to be in your current job. We will look at your successes, what kind of things give you energy, everything that annoyes you today and what that means about what you want tomorrow.

2. Deepdive on you: get to know yourself

In order to learn from yourself, we will look at things like:

  • Your key values

  • Ups & downs in your life

  • Strenghts and weaknesses

  • Personality tests

3. Time to dream

Based on the insights from the first 2 chapters, you have a framework with which you can start dreaming about what perfect looks like for you. After schetching your dream scenario, we will make it more concrete and closer to today so that you know what you can start working on. We will also dive into what might limit you to act upon your dreams and how you can deal with those limitations.

4. Roadmap to your dream job

You will get a lot of tips on how you can verify you image, make it very concrete and start working on it. You will get a lot of practical information about how you can prepare yourself and make sure you will be the perfect candicate once you want to apply for a job. We will touch upon these topics:

  • How you can continue if you want to start your own business

  • Your CV and Linkedin Profile

  • How you get from a framework with requirements to a concrete function

  • How you get from today to that function

  • What a mentor en sponsor is and how to activate your network

  • Determine your Unique Selling Point

Is this training for me?

This online training is ideal for ambitious (young) professionals within a corporate or midsized company, who feel that they are not learning enough anymore, have lost the challenge in their job and feel that they are ready for something new, but do not know how to get started or how to approach it.

You only have 1 life, live it in such a way that it makes you happy!

Do you want to take control of your own life and find a job where you are passionate about? Subscribe now for the online training and find your dream job!

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