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2 August, 2022

HTML Practice Test

$89.00 FREE

This is Html(Hypertext Markup Language)  practice test ,it has five quiz by name 

Html  Quiz 1

Html Quiz 2

Html Quiz 3

Html Quiz 4

Html Quiz 5 

and every quiz has ten question ,those question are beginner  level  and intermediate level question  .

And after completion of every  quiz we will get solution of every question with fully explanation.

  You have only 10 min time to attend per quiz and you 1 min for per to solve it  .This Html (Hypertext Markup Language) practice test have 50  questions with full fully explanation solution . 

HTML is the language for describing the structure of Web pages. HTML gives authors the means to: Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc. Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button.

HTML is perhaps one of the easiest front-end programming languages to master. So if you want to learn HTML, then go for it! With patience and practice,

you'll learn to make the most of this popular language.

HTML is a type of markup language. It encapsulates, or “marks up” data within HTML tags, which define the data and describe its purpose on the webpage.

The web browser then reads the HTML, which tells it things like which parts are headings, which parts are paragraphs, which parts are links, etc.

And in this Html practice  you are going to theoretical   knowledge about the html  with quiz . Practice your knowledge and buy this Html  practice test .

Let's Learn  .

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