There are many considerations and factors that play a part in designing a new product. Cost is usually a big one, but sometimes there are other factors that are the main contributors to a product's direction. With vehicles, specifically motorcycles, we see advanced engineering practices performed on seemingly minor parts. In some instances, making a part as light as possible can have a big effect on performance. In other cases, the strength or stiffness of a part, such as a motor mount, is more critical than its mass. Generative design allows us the ability to solve for both problems at the same time and make informed design decisions without the sacrifice. In this course, we’ll explore how generative design can be applied to motorcycle parts to help reduce mass while also increasing performance.
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Want to take your learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk Generative Design for Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like generative design.
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