These question sets are not Exam Dumps.!! These sets are created to give you an idea about the kinds of questions being asked in Exams.
Candidates for the Azure Security Engineer Associate certification should have subject matter expertise in implementing Azure security controls that protect identity, access, data, applications, and networks in cloud and hybrid environments as part of an end-to-end infrastructure.
Responsibilities for an Azure security engineer include managing the security posture, identifying and remediating vulnerabilities, performing threat modeling, implementing threat protection, and responding to security incident escalations.
Azure security engineers often serve as part of a larger team to plan and implement cloud-based management and security.
Candidates for this certification should have practical experience in administration of Azure and hybrid environments. Candidates should have experience with infrastructure as code, security operations processes, cloud capabilities, and Azure services.
Skills measured
This list contains the skills measured on the exam associated with this certification. For more detailed information, visit the exam details page and download the study guide.
Manage identity and access
Implement platform protection
Manage security operations
Secure data and applications
Practice more and then plan to give these practice exams as early as possible to clear the exam..!!
There are questions about each of these areas in this practice test course which have the same weighting as the real exam.
Look forward to See you in my course..