Course Kingdom

- Course -

Engaging ELLs and Their Families in the School and Community


18 November, 2022

In this course, you will learn how to better and m...

$89.00 FREE

In this course, you will learn how to better and more successfully engage your ELL(s) and their families in the school and community. You will learn how to engage your ELL student in the classroom setting as well as in various aspects of the school including extracurricular activities and the inner workings of the school and education system. You will also be introduced to strategies for engaging the families of your ELL students in the school community and the wider community of your city and state. You will interact with a variety of case studies that highlight teachers, schools, and communities in different cities throughout the United States and the ways in which they successfully engage ELLs and their families. From sharing their experience, you will have the tools necessary to implement strategies and procedures for engaging your ELLs and their families.

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