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Learn 10 entrepreneurial skills fast

Self Growth

7 October, 2021

Get your entrepreneurial skills score

$89.00 FREE

Welcome! This video course is in English.

Taught more than 5000+ people worldwide through video courses.

Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Do you want to start something on your own?

Need to prepare for a changing world and you need to do it fast. People who do it fast with online learning will beat the competition.

What you get in this course?

1. 10 abilities you need to develop: listen to your heart, risk taking, courage, curiosity, initiative, decisiveness, fast problem solving, perseverance, resilience, openness for seeking help.

2. 11 examples for easy and quick understanding

3. Assessment sheet for your entrepreneurial abilities

4. Your rating on 1 to 10 of the abilities required, so you can take immediate action

5. 1 to 1 video coaching

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