Course Kingdom

- Course -

Object Oriented Programming in Python - Aided with Diagrams


7 November, 2020

Concept Building, Syntax and Examples of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python including Inheritance

$89.00 FREE

This course includes;



-Inheritance (Multi-level and Multi-layers of Inheritance)

-Overriding the functionality of Parent Class

-Method Resolution Order

-Operator Overloading

with concepts, diagrams, syntax and examples and

Some of the Common Operator Overloading Special Functions in Python

# Operator         Expression      Internally

# Addition         p1 + p2          p1.__add__(p2)

# Subtraction p1 - p2          p1.__sub__(p2)

# Multiplication p1 * p2          p1.__mul__(p2)

# Power                 p1 ** p2          p1.__pow__(p2)

# Division         p1 / p2          p1.__truediv__(p2)

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