Practice Tests
Those practice exams completely prepare you for what it is like to take in ITIL V4 Foundation Certification Exam . These questions are collected
Written and answered by multiple Experts
Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam
Following the knowledge areas as required by the exam
There are Six full practice exam which is a great means to test your ITIL skills before appearing for the ITIL 4 certification exam
All the exams will be updated and added in order to provide you with the most up-to-date content.
Lessons and Topics:
ITIL 4 Foundation candidates will have an understanding of the following:
A holistic approach to the facilitation of co-creation of value with customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and services
The guiding principles of ITIL 4
The four dimensions of Service Management
Key concepts from Lean, Agile, DevOps, and why these are important to deliver business value
How ITIL practices described in ITIL 4 will maintain the value and importance provided by the current ITIL processes, whilst at the same time expand to be integrated to different areas of service management and IT, from demand to value.
About the Exam:
Read on for details about the ITIL V4 Foundation exam.
Content: 40 multiple-choice
Time allotted to complete the exam: 60 minutes
Passing score: 65%
Who this course is for:
Candidates preparing for the ITIL Foundation certification exam
Anyone working in IT and looking for the most up to date IT service management education, as well as an understanding of how to provide business value in the digital area