Google Associate Cloud Engineer - GCP ACE - Exams
Are you ready to take the Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam? Test yourself by answering over 300 questions!
This course is in the form of practice tests and consists of over 300 questions that may appear during the Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam. Some questions are self-explanatory. Where necessary, explanations are added to the questions. This course allows you to confirm your proficiency and give you the confidence you need to earn a Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification.
The scope of the exam:
Setting up a cloud solution environment
Planning and configuring a cloud solution
Deploying and implementing a cloud solution
Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution
Configuring access and security
Can I take the practice test more than once?
You can take each practical test multiple times. After completing the practice test, your final result will be published. Each time you take the test, the order of questions and answers is randomized.
Do I have a time limit for practice tests?
Each test has a time limit - 120 seconds per question. This gives a total of 10 hours for questions in this course.
What result is required?
The required grade for each practice test is 70% correct answers.