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Linux Basics and Shell Programming Certification Training

IT & Software

8 January, 2021

Basics of Unix and Linux, System/User Administration, Linux & File Utilities. Learn Shells and Shell Programming (BASH).

$89.00 FREE

Linux Basics and Shell Scripting - Course Syllabus

1. Introduction to Unix/Linux

  • Unix and its history

  • Introduction to Linux

  • Login session

  • Working with the Unix filesystem (Linux Directories)

  • Linux Basic Commands (ls, pwd, cd, touch, mkdir, rmdir, cp, mv, cat, rm)

  • Handling files and directories (with metacharacters)

  • Working with vi (visual editor along with 3 modes)

  • Linux documentation (along with manual sections including path)

2. File utilities

  • Standard I/O, redirection and pipes

  • File descriptors and its related usage of metacharacters (>, >>, <, <<, <<<)

  • Changing file access rights (users and permissions including both Symbolic and Absolute modes) (chmod)

  • Soft links and hard links

  • Checking file integrity

3. Linux Utilities

  • Disk utilities (du, df)

  • Process utilities (ps and all options)

  • Text processing utilities (head, tail, wc, find, grep etc)

  • Miscellaneous commands

  • Compressing and archiving (backup and restore) utilities

  • User management, time management and shutdown (init levels)

4. System Administrative Basics

  • Networking

  • File systems and devices

  • Accessing administrator (root) privileges

  • Package management

5. Shells and Shell Programming (BASH)

  • Command line interpreters and SSH

  • Variables in shell (Local and Global (export))

  • Environment variables

  • How to write the script?

  • Quotes (Single and Double along with variables)

  • Test commands or [ expr ]

  • Conditional statements (if … fi, if … else … fi, if … elif … else … fi, case statement)

  • Repetitive statements (for and while loops)

  • Conditional execution (&& and ||)

  • Functions

  • Signal Handling (Default action, Handling Signals and Ignoring Signals)

  • Commands such as kill, trap, shift

  • Command line processing and command line arguments

  • Processing command line options (getopts)

  • Utilities: cut, join, tr, awk, sed, uniq, grep

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