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Android Basics: Networking

Android Basics

19 November, 2020


$89.00 FREE

This course is a part of the Android Basics Nanodegree by Google.Android apps are everywhere and learning to build them can be a fantastic career move. Continue on your Android app development education and learn to build multi-screen apps!This course is designed for students who have completed the Android for Beginners course and the Android Basics: Multiscreen Apps course. You don’t need any programming experience besides that course!Learning anything new can be tough. We will walk you through the process of making Android apps, but to get the most out of this course, bring your enthusiasm for learning, and budget time on your calendar to learn with us. It will be an adventure!By the end of the course, you’ll build an app that gets you up to date earthquake information!If you’re curious about the road even farther ahead, these are the free courses that make up the Android Basics Nanodegree, in order: Android Basics: User InterfaceAndroid Basics: User Input Android Basics: Multiscreen AppsAndroid Basics: Networking (This Course)Android Basics: Data Storage

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