Are you ready to crack the CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Core 1 & Core 2 Certification Practice Exams?
If you are planning to take CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Core 1 & Core 2 in 2022, find out by testing yourself with our CompTIA A+ Practice Exam to know what it is like to take the CompTIA A+ 220-1001 certification exam, these CompTIA A+ practice questions are the best for you.
CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Core 1 & Core 2 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing, and network troubleshooting.
Maximum 90 questions you have to answer in the Exam, where the duration will be 90 minutes. The exam consists of Single and Multi response Questions (Multiple choice questions). Performance-based and drag and drops. You need to score 675 on a scale of 100-900.
As a note: Candidates must complete both CompTIA A+ 1001 and CompTIA A+ 1002 to earn certification. Exams cannot be combined across the series.
Although to pass the CompTIA A+ Certification you have to score around 80%, you can save costly re-schedule fees by taking this test multiple times until you score 90-95%+ you consider yourself as ready to pass the CompTIA A+ certification.
Make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA A+ Certification Core 1 (220-1001) exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the CompTIA exams.
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3 FULL practice tests, 270 questions total
- More practice for studying
90-question, 85-minute exam, 4-hour time limit to take the exam, passing grade of 85%, domains weighted like the exam
- Practice like the real A+ Core 1 exam
Although to pass the CompTIA A+ Certification you have to score around 80%, you can save costly re-schedule fees by taking this test multiple times until you score 90-95%+ you consider yourself as ready to pass the CompTIA A+ certification.