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Mastering MongoDB with python


9 September, 2022

Mastering MongoDB with Python will teach you MongoDB, MongoEngine and Python

$89.00 FREE

Python is the fastest-growing programming language in the industry, and among the most popular programming languages in the world.

It's not a hard language for beginners to pick up and for intermediate or advanced programmers to advance, which is why the need to learn this language has increased exponentially over the past few years.

MongoDB is the most famous NoSQL document database in the market. This course will teach you everything you need to know to build amazing MongoDB using Python.

My name is Yasser Abbass. I'm a software engineer and I will be your instructor for this course

I have been in programming for the past 30 years and specifically in python for the past decade.

The Course requires basic python knowledge so if you are a complete beginner you can check my other courses.

The course is divided into seven sections, each includes several lectures and we will be building a fully functional pizza restaurant web application with user authentication and role-based authorization

During this course, you will learn:

- How to install MongoDB on Windows and Linux.

- How to create a free MongoDB free Cluster

- MongoDB CURD Operations

- MongoDB Aggregation framework

- Text Search

- GridFS

- Handling Geospatial data

- Securing MongoDB Server

- Indexes

- Data Validation

Finally, if you are stuck you can drop a question in the Q&A and me, or one of my teaching assistants will answer you promptly

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