Do you have what it takes to ace the CAPM certification test? Test your knowledge by using this fresh Udemy offering. Each of the three comprehensive practise exams in this package has questions sufficient to fill an entire exam, allowing you to assess your understanding and provide you the assurance you'll need to sit for the CAPM exam.
The tests in this set are timed, so you'll be able to tell whether you're taking longer than the allotted amount of time. Additionally, you'll get a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and wrong at the end of the test to help you keep getting better. At the end of the test, you'll be able to view an explanation for each question to assist you avoid making the same errors again when you take the test. Are you prepared to make plans for the future?
In this practice test set, we’ll cover topics such as:
Project basics
Initiate the project
Plan the project
Execute the project
Monitor and Control the project
Close the project
PMI Code of Ethics and Professional conduct
These practice exams will help you better prepare to pass the CAPM exam. I strongly recommend you take these exams over and over until you can score 100 percent each time on the tests.