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poultry diseases for profetionals

Teaching & Academics

5 October, 2022

learn poultry diseases clinical signs lesions post mortium lesions lab diagnosis in 8 weeks

$89.00 FREE

poultry diseases one of most important poultry science

in this course I try to comine knolege from references and academic lectures with field experience

first steps in poultry diseases oserving the diseased ird or sick ird and notice the clnical signs

gasping respiratory signs indicate problem in respiratory system

diarhae indicate problem in digestive system

nervous signs indicate prolem in nervous system

differential diagnosis isafurther step

post mortium examination open the carcus and notice the post mortium lesions

give indication and help insuspect afamous diseases

send llos sample and tissue sample to the lab to confirm  the diagnosis

loos sample is taken from wing ven y strile syring

repesentative sample of the flock  according the number of the flock the sample are taken randomely

for Elisa test  for A titre fo nd/IB/IBD/AI

tissue sample are taken under strile condition and impresed oFTA or send the sample to la in icebags

course topics

what you will learn in the course

How can we deal with poultry infectiuos diseases?

three factorsinfluence expresion of infectiuos disease

virulance of the causative agent

the level of exposure of the host

suspetailitry of the host or immune status of the host

uniformity and resistance of individual reflect flock performance

identification of the pathogen by  two methods clasical methods and molecular methods

General notes of poultry iseases

some diseases cause nervous system others cause diarhae

some diseases transmitted ertically others horizontally

how to investigates afield prolem

step by step how to solve aprolem of sick flock

conducting necropsy

step y step how to conducting necropsy

laboratory diagnosis  of poultry diseases

role of la in confirming aviral or acterial disease

Bacterial diseases symptoms lesions diagnosis treatment prevention and control


infectious coryza






viral diseases symptoms lesions diagnosis treatment prevention and control

avian adeno

avian influenza

newcascle disease virus






DVE duck virus enteritis

DVH duck virus hepatitis

AE avian encephalomylitis

Nutrition deficiency diseases

Biotin deficiency

Riboflavin deficiency

vitamin A deficiency

vitamin E deficiency

Rickets in poultry

parasitic diseases

external parasites

internal parasites

cocidiosis chicken cocidiosis

turkey coccidiosis

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