If you're looking to get started building full-stack applications with Vue 3, then look no further. In this course, I'll be starting out with the very basics and then moving on toward creating fully-fledged Vue applications.
We'll spend a whole chapter learning about the Vue Router - and how to create SPA's (single page applications) using it - as well as exploring how to use the Vue CLI
We'll also dive deep into the newest features Vue 3 offers, including a lot about the Composition API & Composable Functions.
Along the way, we'll create several full projects.
You’ll then master all of the basics including:
Reactive data with Refs & Reactive Objects
Methods, Computed Properties & Watchers
Lifecycle Hooks
Vue Router
Child Components - including the new ways of handling props, emits
Dynamic Components
And you’ll learn State Management using Pinia, the incredible successor to Vuex
There's a crazy amount to cover, but by the end of this course, you'll be in a position to create full-stack web applications (complete with user authentication) using Vue 3!
After this course, you’ll be able to create your own Vue 3 apps based entirely on the Composition API - from scratch.
This course requires a basic understanding of Vue 2 & The Options API, HTML, CSS & JavaScript
After learning the basics, you’re gonna create a real-world app from scratch - which has full CRUD capabilities, uses Pinia for State Management.