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Computer Networking

Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer

28 October, 2020

Security and Software Defined Networking...

$89.00 FREE

This class is offered as CS6250 at Georgia Tech where it is a part of the Online Masters Degree (OMS). Taking this course here will not earn credit towards the OMS degree.This course covers advanced topics in Computer Networking such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Data Center Networking and Content Distribution. The course is divided into three parts:Part 1 is about the implementation, design principles and goals of a Computer Network and touches upon the various routing algorithms used in CN (such as link-state and distance vector). Part 2 talks about resource control and content distribution in Networking Applications. It covers Congestion Control and Traffic Shaping.Part 3 deals with the operations and management of computer networks encompassing SDN's (Software Defined Networks), Traffic Engineering and Network Security.

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