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Python Certification Training (beginner to expert)


11 October, 2020

Learn Python programming language from scratch to advanced level. Prepare for Python Certification exam & job interviews

$89.00 FREE

Python Programming - course syllabus

Introduction to Python Programming

  • What is Python Programming?

  • History of Python Programming

  • Features of Python Programming

  • Why to learn Python Programming

  • Application of Python Programming

Setup of Python Programming

  • Getting Python

  • Installation of Python

  • Getting started with the first Python program

  • Running the first Python Program

Variables and Data Types

  • What is a variable?

  • Declaration of variable

  • Variable assignment

  • Data types in Python

  • Checking Data type

  • Data types Conversion

  • Python programs for Variables and Data Types

Python Identifiers, Keywords, Reading Input, Output Formatting

  • What is an Identifier?

  • Keywords

  • Reading Input

  • Taking multiple inputs from user

  • Output Formatting

  • Python end parameter

Operators in Python

  • Operators and types of operators

      a) Arithmetic Operators

      b) Relational Operators

      c) Assignment Operators

      d) Logical Operators

      e) Membership Operators

      f) Identity Operators

     g) Bitwise Operators

  • Python programs for all types of operators

Decision Making

  • Introduction to Decision making

  • Types of decision-making statements

  • Introduction, syntax, flowchart and programs for

      a) if statement

      b) if…else statement

      c) elif statement


  • Introduction to loops

  • Types of loops

      a) for loop

      b) while loop

      c) infinite loop

      d) nested loop

  • Break, continue and pass statement

  • Python programs for all types of loops


  • Number Type Conversion

  • Random Number Functions

  • Trigonometric Functions

  • Mathematical Constants


  • Accessing Values in Strings

  • Updating Strings

  • String Special Operators

  • Built-in String Methods


  • Python Lists

  • Accessing Values in Lists

  • Updating Lists

  • Deleting List Elements

  • Basic List Operations

  • Built-in List Functions and Methods


  • Accessing Values in Tuples

  • Updating Tuples

  • Deleting Tuple Elements

  • Basic Tuples Operations

  • Built-in Tuple Functions

  • Difference between list and tuple


  • Accessing Values in Dictionary

  • Updating Dictionary

  • Delete Dictionary Elements

  • Properties of Dictionary Keys

  • Built-in Dictionary Functions and Methods

Date and Time

  • What is Tick?

  • What is TimeTuple?

  • Getting Current Time

  • Getting Formatted Time

  • Getting Calendar for a Month


  • Defining a Function

  • Calling a Function

  • Passing by Reference versus Passing by Value

  • Ways to write function

  • Types of functions

  • Anonymous function

  • Recursive Function


  • What is a module?

  • Creating a module

  • The import Statement

  • The ‘from’ import Statement

  • Renaming a module

  • Using the dir() function

  • The ‘from’ import * Statement

  • Locating Modules

Files I/O

  • Printing to the Screen

  • Opening and Closing Files

  • The open Function

  • The file Object Attributes

  • The close() Method

  • Reading and Writing Files

  • The write() Method

  • The read() Method

  • More Operations on Files


  • What is Exception?

  • Handling an Exception

  • The except Clause with No Exceptions

  • The except Clause with Multiple Exceptions

  • The try-finally Clause

  • List of Standard Exception

  • Raising an Exception

  • Argument of an Exception

Classes and Objects

  • What is an Object?

  • What is a Class?

  • Creating a Class

  • Creating an object

  • Self in Python

  • __init__ method

  • Examples

Regular Expression

  • What is a Regular Expression?

  • Metacharacters

  • match() function

  • search() function

  • re.match() vs

  • findall() function

  • split() function

  • sub() function

GUI Programming

  • What is a GUI Programming?

  • Tkinter Programming

  • Tkinter Widgets

  • Building Your First Python GUI program with Tkinter

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