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MERN Stack Master Course - Building your own Instagram


23 October, 2020

Build Your own Instagram with React, Express, Node.js & MongoDB

$89.00 FREE

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js - and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications

In this course we will be building FULL FLEDGED INSTAGRAM website and it will be a lots of fun as we building this together.

This course covers -

  • Building an backend API with Node.js & Express

  • Testing API using Postman

  • JWT based authentication

  • Image upload

  • Context API for state management

  • React Hooks

  • React Router hooks

  • Protecting routes or endpoints

  • Sending Emails

  • Forgot & Reset Password

This course is NOT an introduction course to React & Node js. It is fully hands on course for building full stacks websites using MERN

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