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R Programming for Absolute Beginners

Programming Languages

25 September, 2022

Learn the hottest statistical language and become an expert data miner with our R programming language online course.

$89.00 FREE

Anyone who works in data science understands the grueling task they sign themselves up for and how much of an ally R Programming language can be when dealing with tons of statistical data. R is becoming a popular language and environment for building cutting-edge scientific algorithms and intelligent analytics applications.

So, what is R and where you learn it?

R is an open source, free language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It was designed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, and written primarily in C, Fortran, and R and is a GNU package.

R provides a range of statistical and graphical techniques including linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, etc. It also simplifies the process of creating mathematical symbols and formulae, when required.

Now if you want to master this language, you can definitely find numerous courses and tutorials that can help, but we have created the ultimate course that is different from others. Our course includes a step-by-step breakdown of R and everything you would need to start learning this language.

The course will take you from Point A to B and at the end of this course you will have the confidence and experience to start writing codes and structure algorithms by yourself. We have also packed this course with multiple live real-world examples that will help you not only understand the theory behind R, but also how it actually works in application.

No more complicated and confusing resources, or boring teachers that talk over your head. Our instructor not only breaks down R for you, but keeps it light, relevant and to the point and not only equips you with the knowledge but also the exact know-how of working with R.

What will you learn in this course?

  • What is R, a language and environment and how to install it into your systematic
  • Getting started with R, including relationship with maths, vectors, arrays and matrices
  • How to handle data in R, creating lists, data frames, functions and dealing with strings and factors
  • how to control flow in R, including looping programs
  • Importing and exporting data into and out of R
  • How to use and update Date and Time functions
  • How to handle packages, install them, and maintain them
  • How to generate graphs such as Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Box Plots, and Scatter Plots

R you ready to learn the hottest statistical programming language and environment with the easiest course yet! Enroll Now and master R!

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