Course Overview
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Exam: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Duration: 2 Hours each
Number of questions in the database: 60 each
Exam Version: April, 2022
The purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the PL-900 certification test. This practice exams will give you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual Microsoft Certified - Power Platform Fundamentals certification exam.
These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real Microsoft PL-900 exam questions. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.
Why Choose Us?
We are an expert team that has developed PL 900 exam questions along with unique Lab-based Power Platform Training which can help you to clear the real Microsoft PL 900 certification exam in an easier way.
What you'll learn
After completing our course, you will be able to:
Demonstrable the capabilities of core components such as Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Apps on the Power Platform.
Identify and describe components such as Microsoft Dataverse, Azure, and Connectors.
Understand the business value of the Power Platform components
Integrate data with Microsoft Dataverse and data connectors
Create Model-driven Power apps
Building chatbots with Power Virtual Agents
Easily pass the Power Platform Fundamentals (PL - 900) certification exam
There are no prerequisites to the PL-900 certification exam. However, it is favorable if you have:
A basic understanding of the Microsoft Power Platform
Foundational knowledge of Microsoft Azure services
Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Certification Exam (PL - 900)
The Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) certification is an exam that tests the ability to improve the candidate's productivity by understanding the capabilities of the various Power Platform components such as automating simple business processes, analyzing data models, and building chatbots.
The PL-900 certification exam focuses on:
Describing the business value of Power Platform
Identifying the core components of Power Platform
Describing the business value of Power Apps
Describing the business value of Power Automate
Describing the business value of Power BI
Demonstrating the business value of Power Virtual Agents
The PL-900 practice tests push the candidate's thinking-based learning and problem-based learning capabilities to their limit.
The PL-900 exam helps in improving the candidate's productivity when it comes to analyzing the capabilities of the various Power Platform components. Our well-structured training modules with PL 900 practical exam questions focus on real-world challenges that help candidates be well-prepared for the PL 900 certification and clear the real Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals certification exam.
Benefits of Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) Certification
Learn to automate business processes and stay ahead of the competition
Deploying chatbots on your website will help continuous feedback with clients
Building dashboards can give valuable and profitable business insights
Implementing AI builders help in tracking the client's sentiment
Why should you do Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) Certification?
You will be recognized as an established Microsoft-certified professional.
Our Power Platform Fundamentals certification training program will undoubtedly add value to your technical and business career.
You will be able to demonstrate the application of the Power Platform tools in the business sense.
Learn to implement both technical and business solutions with Power Apps, Power BI, and Microsoft Automate.
Who should do Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals PL-900 certification?
The PL-900 exam is the perfect choice for Power Platform professionals who wish to take it up a notch in their career level and build their Power tools. The Power Platform Fundamentals will push you to dive deeper into Power BI, Power Virtual Agents, Power Apps, Power Automate, and design tools that cater to your needs.
The PL-900 certification can be a great addition to your profile if you are a:
Microsoft Power Platform Developer
Power Platform Technical Lead
The Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals training course includes practice tests. The practice tests contain three full-length sets of mock exams tailored specifically for the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals or PL-900 certification exam. The practice tests cover every exam objective in the PL-900 certification exam.
Good luck!