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Excellence in Sales Management


1 October, 2022

to make a Great Sales and Marketing Career!

$89.00 FREE

Want to Build a Great Sales and Marketing Career by gaining Excellence in Sales Management?

Take a look at this course only where you will

· Not only learn in depth how to do sales management excellently with concrete actionable advice, tools, techniques, processes and methodologies but also

· Skill yourself by doing real life case assignments of different kinds

· Preview 50% of lectures to see the content for yourself

· Clear your doubts on this topic any time while doing the course

· Get Udemy's 30 days Money Back Guarantee

I started my journey as a Sales Manager after successfully completing my Management Training with Hindustan Unilever in 1985 and continued in sales and marketing over the years becoming General Manager Sales and Marketing with Johnson & Johnson in 1994. Over further periods of time that led me to become Managing Director of what is now Danone Nutrition in 2005. It has been very rewarding career in sales and marketing starting with Area Sales Manager in HUL

What I am sharing with you here is my learnings over these almost 20 years in sales and marketing in great companies like HUL, Johnson & Johnson and Danone Nutrition. I am sure you can do even better than me with these learnings!

I have given a lot of real life assignments for you in this course from my experiences in sales management so that you can also skill yourself in addition learning the best practices in sales management

Preview for yourself 50% of lectures covering each section. If you like the content, enroll for the course, enjoy and skill yourself to build a great career in sales and marketing by gaining excellence in Sales Management! If don't like the content, please message about how can we modify it to meet your expectations.

Please remember that this course comes with Udemy's 30 days Money Back Guarantee using which you can get a full refund if you are not satisfied even after doing the full course

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