Do you want to pass the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam? There is no better way to prepare than to work with Google Cloud and the next best thing is to review exam guides and take practice tests. This set of two exams will help you understand how the exam is structured and what kinds of questions you can expect. Learn now what the exam is like so you can show what you know during the actual exam.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is an increasingly popular public cloud and the demand for certified professionals is growing. In fact, the top-paying certification is one of Google’s cloud certifications—the Professional Cloud Architect. With that said, Google’s Associate Cloud Engineer certification is an ideal starting point for those new to cloud or GCP, and it can be used as a pathway to Professional-level certifications.
I’ve designed these practice exams to help prepare you for the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam. You'll be tested on the major GCP services covered on the test, including Compute Engine, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Bigtable, VPCs, VPNs, Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Logging, and more.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one of the fastest-growing cloud platforms. Becoming a Google Cloud (GCP).Certified Associate Cloud Engineer is a perfect approach to begin your Google Cloud journey. GCP Certified Associate Cloud Engineer is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications. These practice exams have been authored by three GCP Academy Senior Cloud DevOps Engineers, who regularly taking all GCP exams and scanning the exam requirements. We want you to think of this course as the final pit-stop so that you can cross the winning line with absolute confidence and get GCP Certified! Trust our process, you are in good hands. If you want easy to pass questions, then these practice tests are not for you! Our students love these high-quality practice tests because they simulate the actual certification exam and help them understand the GCP concepts. Our practice tests will prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass your exam the first time with confidence.
Course Highlights:
4 Practice Exams
50 Questions Total and one 46 Questions
Length: 120 minute.