Welcome to the top quality practice tests to help you prepare for your AWS Certified Security Specialty exam + All questions have been written from scratch! And more questions are being added over time!
These AWS Certified Security Specialty (SCS-C01) practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format and were crafted based on the feedback of more than 50,000+ students over different Plateforms on what appeared in the actual exam. Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam .
I have prepared AWS Certified Security - Specialty (SCS-C01) certification sample questions to inform you of actual exam properties. This sample question set provides information about the Security Specialty exam pattern, question format, difficulty level of questions and time required to answer each question. And to get familiar with AWS Certified Security - Specialty exam. These contents are prepared based on various aws resources and my exam experience. I tried my best to cover multiple topics and simulate actual exam questions.
What will you get?
Fresh and updated material
Questions and Answers in Practice Mode (randomized)
Lifetime free updates
The objective of this Test :
- Get certified in AWS Certified Security - Specialty
- Take a general view of AWS Certified Security - Specialty
- Take your career, and salary, to a whole new level with an AWS Certified Security - Specialty Certification
- You will experience the question content and question formats that will appear in the Associate exam
- Gain the full understanding needed to pass the AWS Certified Security - Specialty
AWS Certified Security - Specialty Guide :
Total Questions: 65.
Passing Score: 750.
Approximately 75% marks are required to pass the exam.
Time: 170 minutes.
Who this course is for:
Anyone looking to gain an understanding of AWS Certified Security - Specialty
Abilities Validated by the Certification
An understanding of specialized data classifications and AWS data protection mechanisms
An understanding of data encryption methods and AWS mechanisms to implement them
An understanding of secure Internet protocols and AWS mechanisms to implement them
A working knowledge of AWS security services and features of services to provide a secure production environment
Competency gained from two or more years of production deployment experience using AWS security services and features
Ability to make tradeoff decisions with regard to cost, security, and deployment complexity given a set of application requirements
An understanding of security operations and risk
Recommended Knowledge and Experience
At least two years of hands-on experience securing AWS workloads
Security controls for workloads on AWS
A minimum of five years of IT security experience designing and implementing security solutions