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Neuro-linguistic Programming - Foundation Course L-2

Personal Development

23 December, 2020

Level - 2 Training for NLP Education

$89.00 FREE

Hello Dear Friends,

I welcome you to this Level - 2 course for Neuro-linguistic Programming and wish to give you great learning in this level - 2 course also.

If you have not even gone through the level - 1 NLP Orientation Course available in Udemy itself, that's fine as level-2 has much more elaborated information and detailed basic knowledge.

Level - 2 is also an theoretical level, because until and unless we are clear with the basics of how actually our system works, we will not be able to make the basic transformation that NLP can cause.

Although, I have included some effective NLP visualizations as a gift to you in this course. Hope you enjoy and use them to upgrade your system and get a glimpse of the effectiveness of NLP.

Once you are through Level - 2, You will be in a position to implement understanding about Behaviors and Communications that we are facing on a daily basis and how exactly can you handle them so that you are the controller of your Life's Journey.

So, I again welcome you to this NLP Foundation course,

"Change the way you Change"

What you will learn:

- Basic framework of Neuro-linguistic Programming

- NLP Communication model - your way to success in relationships, personal as well as Corporate

- Basic techniques related to NLP

- Much more learning about how our Mind Recieves, Percieves and Reacts and how we can influence these to make our lives better.

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